Mini Publications
“A Brief History of Sunbury Airport and the Mile Hill Beacon,” by Lewis Dewart $3.00 | |
“The Catawissa Railroad,” by Charles Fisher Snyder $3.00 | |
“Colonel James Cameron and the Soldier’s Monument,” by Garry E. Leister $3.00 | |
“Historic Trail of Riverside,” by Mike Bernath $3.00 | |
“Historical Sketches of Sunbury,” compiled by E.B. Haines $3.00 | |
HISTORY OF MILTON – “Reminiscences of Early Milton and Its Founder, Andrew Straub” and “The Great Milton Fire,” by Frederic A. Godcharles $3.00 | |
HISTORY OF SUNBURY – “Indian Tribes of Shamokin,” by John H. Carter and “How the Indians Lived at Shamokin,” by George H. Neff $3.00 | |
HISTORY OF SUNBURY "Shikellamy Vice-King at Shamokin” by John H. Carter $3.00 | |
“Indians of Pennsylvania,” by George P. Donehoo $3.00 | |
“Notable Women of Northumberland County,” by Heber G. Gearhart $3.00 | |
“The Maclay-Wolverton House" by Heber G. Gearhart $3.00 | |
“The Pennsylvania Railroad Station at Sunbury,” by William Marion Schnure $3.00 | |
“The Shamokin Indian Traders,” by John H. Carter $3.00 | |
“The Story of Early Sunbury and Fort Augusta,” by Charles Maxwell Clement $3.00 | |
“The Warrior Run Presbyterian Church,” by Mrs. Helen B. Burrowes $3.00 | |
Thomas A. Edison-Special 125th Anniversary Edition-July 2008 contains four articles on Edison's work in Sunbury and Northumberland County - previously published in the proceedings $3.50 | |